Ghost Club Application Form and Questionnaire

If you have any problems filling in ths form, please don't hesitate in contacting the membership secretary at



Personal Details

* Title: Please select a valid item.
* First Name: A value is required.
* Last Name: A value is required.
  Preferred Name:
  Name by which you prefer to be addressed. For example, the name used to address you in emails (default is First Name).
  Address Line 1:
  Address Line 2:
  Address Line 3:
* Postcode/Zip: A value is required.
* Country: Please select a valid item.Please select an item.Please select a valid item.Please select an item.
  Home Telephone:
* Email: Invalid format.A value is required.
* Password:
* Re-enter Password:
    Please make sure your passwords match with a minimum of 6 characters.


Your interest in the paranormal
The Ghost Club is a group of open-minded individuals and a genuine interest in the paranormal is more important than qualifications or experience.

1. Have you seen a ghost? Once, more than once, regularly or never?
2. Do you consider yourself a "sensitive"? If yes, please give us an example.
3. Please name any periodicals/publications concerned with the paranormal that you read regularly.
4. Please list any other organisations connected with the paranormal to which you belong.


Your interest in investigations
Everyone has an equal opportunity to participate in events. The following questions just help us to understand your level of experience.

5. Are you interested in taking part in investigations? Please specify any preferences or constraints regarding overnight stays and/or days of the week.
6. Have you ever been to an investigation at a haunted site before?
7. Do you have any particular "favourite" reputedly haunted site(s) you would like us to pursue for an investigation?
8. Have you any scientific/technical expertise which could provide useful during an investigation?


Areas of specialist knowledge
We would like to know if you possess any specialist knowledge which may help us with investigations in the future.

9. A notable number of "hauntings" involve religious figures such as monks, nuns, etc. Do you have any knowledge or connection with any religious orders or any particular religion?
10. Are you knowledgeable about specific periods in history or events?
11. Are you knowledgeable about any famous or infamous people in history, either through in-depth research or general interest?
12. Do you have any connection with, or knowledge of a country and/or region other than where you live now?
13. Do you speak and/or write any modern languages other than English?
14. Do you have any knowledge of specialist languages such as Old English, Latin, Ancient Greek, etc.?
15. What is your current occupation?
16. Do you have any hobbies which could prove useful for Ghost Club activities?
17. How did you hear about the Ghost Club?
18. Your reasons for wanting to join the Club.
19. Your other interests.
20. If you wish to add anything further, please do so here.



Membership Type

Membership of the Ghost Club runs for one year from date of joining.

As part of the membership you will receive a copy of the GC Journal quarterly. You can choose to receive this in a hard copy form by post, electronically (pdf format) or both. There is a reduced subscription fee should you choose the electronic form only (£ 10 International and £ 5 UK reductions).

Selecting a Joint membership below will prompt you for details of the second applicant.

UK Members Overseas Members
Journal Fee
Journal Fee
Individual Postal Only £ 35
Electronic Only £ 30
Post & Electronic £ 35
Individual Postal Only £ 25
Electronic Only £ 15
Post & Electronic £ 25
Joint Postal Only £ 50
Electronic Only £ 45
Post & Electronic £ 50
Joint Postal Only £ 35
Electronic Only £ 25
Post & Electronic £ 35
Voucher Code:





As a pre-condition of membership, candidates are asked to give their agreement to the following conditions:

1)   I/We hereby agree not to disclose any information of a confidential nature which I may receive as a member of The Ghost Club.

2)  I/We acknowledge that membership of The Ghost Club is conditional upon my paying the annual subscription on, or soon after the due date. I also understand that if I/we fail to pay after the appropriate reminders my membership will be cancelled.

3)  I/We consent to waive any claim or right of action against The Ghost Club in the event of loss or damage of any kind during the course of any investigation and agree to complete a Consent and Waiver Notice prior to any investigation I/we may attend.

4)  New memberships will be subject to a one-year probationary period. Continuation after that will be at the discretion of the Ghost Club Council.

I/We agree to the above conditions of membership.

I/We have read and agree with the Privacy Policy.

I/We confirm that I am/we are 18 or over.